Thursday, December 2, 2021




(來源: 主恢復的前景與生機事奉的建立 第一篇 根據歷史研討今後工作方向(一), 1984/10/26講於臺北)

Needing To Pay Attention To Numbers

We must learn the lesson of paying attention to the truth, to life, to the church life, and to the gospel. We must also pay attention to the number of saints in the meetings. If a church has no quantity, how can it have quality? For this reason we have not produced many elders or co-workers over the past twenty-seven years. If, instead of neglecting our early practice, we had continued to the present, I believe that we would have produced many elders and full-time serving ones, and our numbers would have increased greatly. Moreover, although we cannot say with assurance that our condition in life would be better than it is today, we believe that it would not be worse. We can also say that concerning the truth, our condition would not be worse than it is today; of course, we do not dare say that it would be better. The same applies to the church life; we dare not say that our condition would be better than it is today, but at least it would not be worse. However, we can say with certainty that we have decreased in numbers. It would be a great thing to have more than three hundred thousand brothers and sisters in Taiwan. This would be a huge asset that would enable us to do many things.

(Crucial Words of Leading in the Lord’s Recovery, Book 3: The Future of the Lord’s Recovery and the Building Up of the Organic Service, Chapter One, Basing The Direction Of The Work On A Consideration Of Our History, 1984/10/26 at Taipei)


在主的恢復裡,有些新的召會成長得很快,但有些已經有二十年左右的老召會,卻只有很少的擴增。一個在一九七○年建立,有十五人的召會,今天人數可能仍然在五十以下。我們一直忙著聚會、照顧召會、治理召會,但我們所勞苦的似乎少有結果。這個原因乃是我們缺少探訪人。 在基督教裡有一個慣例。一個好的...